“I’ll Leave This World Loving You” is a poignant country ballad performed by the acclaimed American country music artist Ricky Van Shelton. Released in 1988, this song quickly became one of Shelton’s signature tracks, resonating deeply with fans for its heartfelt lyrics and emotive delivery. The song was written by esteemed songwriters Wayne Kemp and Mack Vickery, who are well-known for their contributions to the country music genre.

This touching ballad was featured on Ricky Van Shelton’s sophomore album, “Loving Proof,” which solidified his reputation as a leading voice in country music during the late 1980s. The album itself was a commercial success, showcasing Shelton’s ability to convey profound emotion through his rich, velvety voice.

“I’ll Leave This World Loving You” reached remarkable heights on the charts, securing the number one spot on the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart. This achievement marked Shelton’s fourth consecutive number-one single, a testament to his rising stardom and the song’s widespread appeal. The track’s success was not limited to the United States alone; it also garnered significant airplay and admiration from country music enthusiasts around the world.

The song’s lyrics, imbued with themes of enduring love and heartfelt farewell, struck a chord with listeners, making it a timeless classic in Ricky Van Shelton’s discography. The melody, coupled with Shelton’s sincere vocal performance, encapsulates the essence of traditional country music, offering a sense of nostalgia and emotional depth that continues to captivate audiences to this day.

In “I’ll Leave This World Loving You,” Ricky Van Shelton delivers a powerful message of unwavering love that transcends life’s fleeting moments. It’s a song that remains deeply embedded in the hearts of country music fans, showcasing the enduring legacy of Shelton’s musical career.



Walk away, leave with my blessin’
Once in a while, let me hear from you
If we never meet again before my life is over
I’ll leave this world lovin’ you
You can take everything but my memories
For they’re good ones and they’ll see me through
If we never meet again, I’ll love you forever
I’ll leave this world lovin’ you
You were mine for a time and I’m thankful
Oh, but life will be so lonesome without you
If we never meet again this side of heaven
I’ll leave this world lovin’ you
If we never meet again this side of heaven
I’ll leave this world lovin’ you