“Cattle Call,” performed by the legendary Eddy Arnold, is a hallmark of classic American country music that has charmed audiences for generations. Originally written and first recorded by Tex Owens in 1934, this cowboy ballad found its most famous voice in Eddy Arnold, whose 1955 rendition brought the song to new heights of popularity.

Eddy Arnold, affectionately known as “The Tennessee Plowboy,” included “Cattle Call” in his album “Eddy Arnold Sings,” which was released in the mid-1950s. Arnold’s version of the song is renowned for its smooth, yodeling vocals and evocative imagery, painting a vivid picture of the life and landscapes of American cowboys. His heartfelt delivery and distinctive yodels turned “Cattle Call” into an enduring classic.

The song celebrates the rugged beauty of the cowboy lifestyle, and Arnold’s rich baritone voice coupled with the signature yodels brought an authenticity that resonated deeply with listeners. “Cattle Call” climbed the charts, reaching impressive positions and solidifying Arnold’s status as a major figure in country music. It peaked at number one on the Billboard Country Singles chart, showcasing Arnold’s ability to capture the spirit of the American West and touch the hearts of many.

“Cattle Call” has become synonymous with Eddy Arnold’s legacy. Over the years, it has been covered by numerous artists, but Arnold’s version remains the definitive recording, cherished for its purity and nostalgic charm. The song has been featured in various compilations and continues to be a staple on classic country playlists, reminding us of a time when country music was all about storytelling and emotional connection.

For many older listeners, “Cattle Call” evokes memories of simpler times and the rugged romance of cowboy life. It stands as a testament to Eddy Arnold’s exceptional talent and his contribution to the golden era of country music, ensuring that “Cattle Call” will be enjoyed for many years to come.


https://youtu.be/_-UFTpiqUtsVideo can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Cattle Call (https://youtu.be/_-UFTpiqUts)


The cattle are prowlin’, the coyotes are howlin’
Way out where the dogies bawl
Where spurs are a-jinglin’, a cowboy is singin’
This lonesome cattle call
He rides in the sun ’til his days work is done
And he rounds up the cattle each fall
Singin’ his cattle call
For hours, he would ride on the range far and wide
When the night winds blow up a squall
His heart is a feather in all kinds of weather
He sings his cattle call
He’s brown as a berry from ridin’ the prairie
And he sings with an ol’ western drawl
Singing his cattle call